Pear Tree Reflexology & FootcareNorth Essex

As a Foot Health Practioner I provide routine foot care and maintenance, tailoring treatments to meet your needs.  On my first visit I will carry out a neurovascular assessment and take a full medical history. This information will be used to put together a suitable treatment plan.

I can assist with

  • Nail cutting
  • Reducing thickness of nails
  • Callus and corn removal
  • Cracked heels and fissures
  • Ingrowing toe nails (non surgical)
  • Verrucae 
  • Fungal conditions
  • Diabetic foot care

After the treatment I will offer any advice where needed. I am able to refer-on for more serious foot problems.

Dressings, paddings, topical solutions and creams if required are included in the price. All instruments are cleaned and sterilised before use for each client. 

Please remove any nail polish before treatment. 

You might wish to consider visiting a Podiatrist for more complex issues. They are able to carry out minor surgeries, biomechanical assessments and support with a variety of disorders affecting the feet and lower limb. 


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