Pear Tree Reflexology & FootcareNorth Essex

Client feedback. pears

"Coming to reflexology in almost complete ignorance of what to expect I was very pleasantly surprised at how good the treatments made me feel. As the weeks went by and I became more relaxed, I found I was really looking forward to them. Catherine’s calm and friendly attitude made the whole experience a very enjoyable one." Mrs P, Maplestead.

"During the initial appointment, the questions asked of me were thorough and necessary in order to know how to treat me as an individual. After the first treatment I did feel very tired and a little emotional but I drank plenty of water as advised. These symptoms soon subsided. As the weeks went on I would sometimes drift off to sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated and energised, a feeling I thought had left me since having children. After receiving six weeks of reflexology, I can honestly say it has made a huge difference to my overall well-being. Pre-treatment my circulation was sluggish and feet always seemed cold and clammy. Now my feet are noticeably warmer and look healthier on the soles. I also feel a more balanced and positive person. I consider it to be a positive and hugely beneficial therapy. If I could describe reflexology in a few words I would say it is like a huge fluffy hug for mind, body and soul." CK, Radwinter

Client feedback. pears2

"I found the whole experience of reflexology to be very positive for me. It was very relaxing and left me feeling that I had been nourished in some way. It made me sit down and pay attention to my overall well being. Catherine was warm and professional - an excellent balance. I appreciated the advice to drink more water and I can definitely feel the benefit. My sleep has without doubt improved and should I experience poor sleep again I will seek more reflexology. This experience has had a positive impact on my well being overall and has far exceeded my expectations. Thank you Catherine." AP, Maplestead

"I really enjoyed the eight week course. Although I didn't have any particular health issues to address my expectations were to feel more relaxed and to take an hour for myself - to do something for me and I really looked forward to the treatments. I enjoyed the treatment environments too, but especially outside in your garden. After the first treatment I did experience some of the side effects you mentioned in your leaflet so I was glad to have that to refer to. I found I became more tuned into and aware of how I was feeling, how my body was (particularly regarding hydration). I was intrigued by how the 'gristly' parts were in different places on each foot which made me think about the unevenness of my body and perhaps about evening-out and balancing my body more. As the course went on I found that after treatments my whole body was more relaxed even though it was only my feet that had been worked on!" EB, Radwinter.

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